"We Dream of having a clean home/work environment - but who actually dreams of doing the cleaning?"
""Doing the Housework cant kill you but why take the chance?!"
Residential and Commercial Cleaning Service
Local, Trustworthy Cleaners in St Helens.
Local, Trustworthy Cleaners in St Helens.
CleanFreaks - Let us help you feel better!
Cleanfreaks was established with the main focus around wellbeing, after all.. a clean home is a clean mind’. The environment we are in really does influence a person’s mood at home and productivity in the workplace. Our Can Do Positive attitudes are infectious so we will definitely leave you in a better and cleaner mood whatever the job!
We offer both Residential and Commercial Cleaning Services with a personal touch and a smile.
We are friendly, reliable, dedicated and more importantly; affordable. We offer a wide range of services and packages in both the home and the workplace.
Our Services: